Exact Match:
- bunk
- a rough bed (as at a campsite)
- a long trough for feeding cattle
- unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)
- provide with a bunk; "We bunked the children upstairs"
- abide,
- abscond,
- applesauce,
- balderdash,
- balls,
- baloney,
- bed,
- bedstead,
- beguile,
- berth,
- bestow,
- betray,
- big talk,
- bilge,
- billet,
- blague,
- blah,
- blah-blah,
- board,
- bop,
- bosh,
- break,
- bull,
- bullshit,
- bunkum,
- claptrap,
- cohabit,
- couch,
- crap,
- decamp,
- delude,
- domicile,
- domiciliate,
- doss,
- doss down,
- double-cross,
- dwell,
- eyewash,
- fancy talk,
- fine talk,
- fish story,
- flam,
- flapdoodle,
- flee,
- flimflam,
- fly,
- four-flush,
- gammon,
- gas,
- guff,
- gup,
- gurney,
- hang out,
- harbor,
- highfalutin,
- highfaluting,
- hogwash,
- hoke,
- hokum,
- hooey,
- hot air,
- house,
- humbug,
- humbuggery,
- hut,
- inhabit,
- jazz,
- jiggery-pokery,
- kip,
- litter,
- live,
- lodge,
- malarkey,
- mislead,
- moonshine,
- nest,
- occupy,
- perch,
- piffle,
- poppycock,
- put up,
- quarter,
- remain,
- reside,
- room,
- roost,
- rot,
- scape,
- scat,
- sell out,
- shelter,
- shit,
- sofa,
- squat,
- stable,
- stay,
- stretcher,
- tall story,
- tall talk,
- tenant,
- the hay,
- the sack,
- tommyrot,
- tripe,
- wind