Exact Match:
- chop
- a grounder that bounces high in the air
- a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball
- a jaw; "I'll hit him on the chops"
- a small cut of meat including part of a rib
- the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide); "the boat headed into the chop"
- hit sharply
- cut with a hacking tool
- cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat"
- strike sharply, as in some sports
- move suddenly
- Saratoga chop,
- Vandyke,
- alter,
- ameliorate,
- amputate,
- ax,
- bang,
- bank,
- barley,
- bash,
- bat,
- be changed,
- be converted into,
- be renewed,
- beam,
- beating,
- belt,
- biff,
- billow,
- bird seed,
- bisect,
- blaze,
- blow,
- bonk,
- border,
- bore,
- bottom out,
- box,
- bran,
- break,
- breakers,
- broadside,
- broken ground,
- broken water,
- buffet,
- bust,
- butcher,
- carve,
- cat food,
- change,
- checker,
- cheek,
- chicken feed,
- chop and change,
- choppiness,
- chopping sea,
- cleave,
- clip,
- clout,
- clump,
- coast,
- comb,
- comber,
- come about,
- come around,
- come round,
- corduroy,
- corduroy road,
- corn,
- corrugation,
- crack,
- crenellate,
- crenulate,
- crimp,
- crop,
- cube,
- cut,
- cut away,
- cut in two,
- cut off,
- cut up,
- cutlet,
- dash,
- degenerate,
- deteriorate,
- deviate,
- dice,
- dichotomize,
- dig,
- dint,
- dirty water,
- dissever,
- diverge,
- diversify,
- dog food,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drumming,
- eagre,
- eatage,
- ensilage,
- excise,
- feed,
- fissure,
- flank,
- flop,
- fodder,
- forage,
- fragment,
- fusillade,
- gash,
- goose bumps,
- goose pimples,
- gooseflesh,
- grain,
- gravity wave,
- ground swell,
- hack,
- halve,
- hand,
- handedness,
- hash,
- haul around,
- haunch,
- hay,
- heave,
- heavy sea,
- heavy swell,
- hew,
- hip,
- hit,
- horripilation,
- improve,
- incise,
- indent,
- jab,
- jag,
- jibe,
- jigsaw,
- jowl,
- knock,
- knurl,
- lance,
- laterality,
- lick,
- lift,
- lop,
- machicolate,
- make mincemeat of,
- many-sidedness,
- mash,
- meal,
- meliorate,
- mill,
- mince,
- mitigate,
- modulate,
- multilaterality,
- mutate,
- mutton chop,
- nick,
- notch,
- oats,
- pare,
- paste,
- pasturage,
- pasture,
- peak,
- pelt,
- pet food,
- picot,
- pink,
- planking,
- plunk,
- poke,
- popple,
- pork chop,
- pound,
- profile,
- provender,
- prune,
- punch,
- quarter,
- rap,
- rend,
- revive,
- riffle,
- ripple,
- rise,
- rive,
- roll,
- roller,
- rough,
- rough water,
- sandpaper,
- saw,
- scallop,
- scarify,
- scend,
- scissor,
- score,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- scratch feed,
- sea,
- send,
- serrate,
- sever,
- shift,
- shore,
- side,
- siding,
- silage,
- slam,
- slap,
- slash,
- slice,
- slit,
- slog,
- slops,
- slug,
- smack,
- smash,
- snip,
- sock,
- spank,
- split,
- straw,
- stroke,
- sunder,
- surf,
- surge,
- swat,
- swell,
- swerve,
- swill,
- swing,
- swipe,
- tack,
- take a turn,
- tattoo,
- tear,
- temple,
- thump,
- thwack,
- tidal bore,
- tidal wave,
- tide wave,
- tooth,
- trough,
- tsunami,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- turn into,
- turn the corner,
- undergo a change,
- undulation,
- unilaterality,
- vary,
- veal chop,
- veal cutlet,
- veer,
- warp,
- washboard,
- water wave,
- wave,
- wavelet,
- whack,
- wheat,
- white horses,
- whitecaps,
- whittle,
- whop,
- worsen,
- yerk