Exact Match:
- cirrus
- a slender flexible animal appendage as on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile
- a wispy white cloud (usually of fine ice crystals) at a high altitude (4 to 8 miles)
- usually coiled
- Cloudcuckooland,
- alto-cumulus,
- alto-stratus,
- animal fiber,
- anvil cloud,
- artificial fiber,
- banner cloud,
- billowy cloud,
- cap cloud,
- capillament,
- cilium,
- cirro-cumulus,
- cirro-fillum,
- cirro-nebula,
- cirro-stratus,
- cirro-velum,
- cirrus cloud,
- cirrus haze,
- cirrus stripe,
- cloud,
- cloud band,
- cloud bank,
- cloud drift,
- cloud mass,
- cloud street,
- cloudland,
- cloudling,
- cloudscape,
- cobweb,
- cocktail,
- coil,
- corkscrew,
- cottony cloud,
- cumulo-cirro-stratus,
- cumulo-cirrus,
- cumulo-nimbus,
- cumulo-stratus,
- cumulus,
- cumulus cloud,
- curl,
- curl cloud,
- curlicue,
- denier,
- evolute,
- fiber,
- fibrilla,
- filament,
- filamentule,
- flagellum,
- fleecy cloud,
- fractocumulus,
- gossamer,
- gyre,
- hair,
- hank,
- helix,
- high fog,
- involute,
- kink,
- mackerel sky,
- mammatocumulus,
- mushroom cloud,
- nimbus,
- nimbus cloud,
- rain cloud,
- ringlet,
- roll,
- screw,
- scroll,
- scud,
- skein,
- snail cloud,
- spiral,
- squall cloud,
- storm cloud,
- strand,
- strato-cumulus,
- stratus,
- stratus cloud,
- suture,
- swirl,
- tendril,
- thread,
- threadlet,
- thundercloud,
- thunderhead,
- twirl,
- twist,
- volute,
- volution,
- vortex,
- water carrier,
- web,
- whirl,
- whorl,
- woolpack