in fear or dread of possible evil or harm; "apprehensive for one's life"; "apprehensive of danger"
mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; "apprehensive about her job"; "not used to a city and worried about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences"
quick to understand; "a kind and apprehensive friend"- Nathaniel Hawthorne
aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed; "made sensible of his mistakes"; "I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"- Henry Hallam; "sensible that a good deal more is still to be done"- Edmund Burke
readily perceived by the senses; "the sensible universe"; "a sensible odor"
able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible creatures"; "the more sensible parts of the skin"
know and comprehend the nature or meaning of; "She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means"
perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"; "Does she realize how important this decision is?"; "I don't understand the idea"
believe to be the case; "I understand you have no previous experience?"
make sense of a language; "She understands French"; "Can you read Greek?"
composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance
of your own free will or design; not forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social workers"; "a voluntary confession"
controlled by individual volition; "voluntary motions"; "voluntary muscles"
(Greek mythology) a beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him; became the personification of the soul
detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph"
show approval or appreciation of; "My work is not recognized by anybody!"; "The best student was recognized by the Dean"
exhibit recognition for (an antigen or a substrate)