the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds
make submissive, obedient, or useful; "The horse was tough to break"; "I broke in the new intern"
break so as to call inward; "He broke in the door"
start in a certain activity, enterprise, or role
intrude on uninvited; "The nosy couple broke in on our conversation"
enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act; "Someone broke in while I was on vacation"; "They broke into my car and stole my radio!"
tending to or capable of propelling; "propellant fuel for submarines"; "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency"; "universities...the seats of propulsive thought"