Exact Match:
- compromise
- a middle way between two extremes
- an accommodation in which both sides make concessions; "the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual'"
- settle by concession
- make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; "nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise"
- expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute; "The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy"
- Eisenhower Doctrine,
- Monroe Doctrine,
- Nixon Doctrine,
- Truman Doctrine,
- accommodate,
- accommodation,
- adjust,
- adjustment,
- agreement,
- amends,
- appeasement,
- arrange matters,
- arrangement,
- atonement,
- balance of power,
- bargain,
- blast,
- blight,
- bring to terms,
- bring together,
- brinkmanship,
- center,
- coexistence,
- colonialism,
- compact,
- compensation,
- compose,
- composition,
- composition of differences,
- compound,
- containment,
- contract,
- cool,
- cop out,
- detente,
- deterrence,
- diplomacy,
- diplomatic,
- diplomatics,
- dollar diplomacy,
- dollar imperialism,
- duck responsibility,
- encounter danger,
- endanger,
- evade responsibility,
- expansionism,
- expiation,
- expiatory offering,
- expose,
- fence,
- fix up,
- foreign affairs,
- foreign policy,
- gamble,
- gamble with,
- give and take,
- give way,
- go fifty-fifty,
- golden mean,
- good-neighbor policy,
- half measures,
- half-and-half measures,
- halfway measures,
- happy medium,
- harmonize,
- hazard,
- heal the breach,
- imperialism,
- imperil,
- incur danger,
- indemnification,
- indemnity,
- internationalism,
- isolationism,
- jeopard,
- jeopardize,
- jeopardy,
- lay open,
- make a deal,
- make an adjustment,
- make concessions,
- making amends,
- making good,
- making right,
- making up,
- manifest destiny,
- mar,
- mean,
- mediate,
- medium,
- meet halfway,
- menace,
- middle course,
- middle ground,
- middle way,
- militarism,
- moderateness,
- moderation,
- nationalism,
- neocolonialism,
- neutral ground,
- neutralism,
- nonresistance,
- open door,
- open-door policy,
- pact,
- patch things up,
- peace offensive,
- peace offering,
- peaceful coexistence,
- peril,
- piaculum,
- play havoc with,
- play politics,
- preparedness,
- propitiation,
- put in danger,
- put in jeopardy,
- put in tune,
- queer,
- quittance,
- reach a compromise,
- reclamation,
- recompense,
- reconcile,
- redemption,
- redress,
- reparation,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- restitution,
- restore harmony,
- reunite,
- risk,
- ruin,
- satisfaction,
- settle,
- settle differences,
- settlement,
- shirt-sleeve diplomacy,
- shuttle diplomacy,
- smooth it over,
- spheres of influence,
- split the difference,
- spoil,
- squaring,
- strike a balance,
- strike a bargain,
- surrender,
- take the mean,
- terms,
- the big stick,
- tough policy,
- understanding,
- via media,
- weave peace between,
- world politics,
- yield