Exact Match:
- conclusion
- an intuitive assumption; "jump to a conclusion"
- the last section of a communication; "in conclusion I want to say..."
- the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
- a final settlement; "the conclusion of a business deal"; "the conclusion of the peace treaty"
- PS,
- Parthian shot,
- Z,
- accommodation,
- addendum,
- adjustment,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- aftermath,
- afterthought,
- allegation,
- announcement,
- annunciation,
- apodosis,
- appendix,
- arrangement,
- assertion,
- asseveration,
- assumption,
- attitude,
- averment,
- avouchment,
- avowal,
- back matter,
- bitter end,
- catastrophe,
- cease,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- chorus,
- clear,
- climate of opinion,
- climax,
- close,
- closing,
- closure,
- coda,
- codicil,
- cogent,
- colophon,
- common belief,
- community sentiment,
- compelling,
- completing,
- completion,
- conceit,
- concept,
- conception,
- conclusive,
- consensus gentium,
- consequence,
- consequent,
- consideration,
- consummation,
- continuance,
- continuation,
- convincing,
- corollary,
- crack of doom,
- creed,
- culmination,
- curtain,
- curtains,
- death,
- decease,
- deciding,
- decisive,
- declaration,
- deduction,
- definitive,
- denouement,
- derivation,
- descendant,
- desistance,
- destination,
- destiny,
- determinant,
- determinate,
- determination,
- determinative,
- dictum,
- doom,
- double take,
- dying words,
- dynasty,
- effect,
- end,
- end point,
- end result,
- ending,
- enunciation,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- eschatology,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- ethos,
- expiration,
- eye,
- fate,
- feeling,
- final result,
- final solution,
- final twitch,
- final words,
- finale,
- finality,
- finis,
- finish,
- finishing,
- follow-through,
- follow-up,
- full development,
- general belief,
- goal,
- heir,
- idea,
- illation,
- impression,
- incontrovertible,
- induction,
- inference,
- ipse dixit,
- irrefragable,
- irrefutable,
- izzard,
- judgment,
- last,
- last act,
- last breath,
- last gasp,
- last things,
- last trumpet,
- last words,
- latter end,
- lights,
- line,
- lineage,
- manifesto,
- maturation,
- maturity,
- mind,
- mystique,
- notion,
- observation,
- offspring,
- omega,
- opinion,
- parting shot,
- payoff,
- perfection,
- period,
- peroration,
- personal judgment,
- point of view,
- popular belief,
- position,
- position paper,
- positive declaration,
- posterity,
- postface,
- postfix,
- postlude,
- postscript,
- posture,
- precise,
- predicate,
- predication,
- presumption,
- prevailing belief,
- proclamation,
- profession,
- pronouncement,
- proposition,
- protest,
- protestation,
- public belief,
- public opinion,
- quietus,
- ratiocination,
- reaction,
- refrain,
- resolution,
- resting place,
- ripeness,
- rounding off,
- rounding out,
- say,
- say-so,
- saying,
- sealing,
- second thought,
- sentiment,
- sequel,
- sequela,
- sequelae,
- sequelant,
- sequent,
- sequitur,
- settlement,
- sight,
- signature,
- signing,
- solemnization,
- stance,
- stand,
- statement,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- stopping place,
- subscript,
- successor,
- suffix,
- supplement,
- swan song,
- tag,
- telling,
- term,
- terminal,
- termination,
- terminus,
- theory,
- thinking,
- thought,
- topping off,
- unambiguous,
- unanswerable,
- utterance,
- view,
- vouch,
- way of thinking,
- windup,
- word