- accommodate,
- adjust,
- amend,
- antagonize,
- atone for,
- balance,
- be antipathetic,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be inimical,
- be opposed to,
- beat against,
- cancel,
- clash,
- collide,
- compensate,
- conflict,
- conflict with,
- confute,
- contradict,
- contrapose,
- contrast with,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- coordinate,
- correct,
- counter,
- counteract,
- counterattack,
- counterbalance,
- countercheck,
- counterpoise,
- counterpose,
- counterweigh,
- counterwork,
- cross,
- equalize,
- equate,
- equiponderate,
- even,
- even up,
- fit,
- foil,
- frustrate,
- go against,
- go counter to,
- integrate,
- interfere with,
- join the opposition,
- juxtapose in opposition,
- level,
- lock horns,
- make up,
- meet head-on,
- militate against,
- not abide,
- offset,
- oppose,
- oppugn,
- outweigh,
- overcome,
- play at cross-purposes,
- poise,
- proportion,
- protest,
- rectify,
- redeem,
- resist,
- run against,
- run counter to,
- set off,
- square,
- square up,
- strike a balance,
- surmount,
- swim upstream,
- take issue with,
- thwart,
- traverse,
- vote against,
- withstand,
- work against