Exact Match:
- dip
- a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms
- a brief swim in water
- a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
- a brief immersion
- tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
- (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
- a depression in an otherwise level surface; "there was a dip in the road"
- stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
- go down momentarily; "Prices dipped"
- scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface; "dip water out of a container"
- immerse in a disinfectant solution; "dip the sheep"
- place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
- dip into a liquid; "He dipped into the pool"
- slope downwards; "Our property dips towards the river"
- appear to move downward; "The sun dipped below the horizon"; "The setting sun sank below the tree line"
- lower briefly; "She dipped her knee"
- acid bath,
- alveolation,
- alveolus,
- antrum,
- apply paint,
- armpit,
- ascend,
- asperge,
- attrition,
- bail,
- bank,
- baptism,
- baptize,
- basin,
- bath,
- bayberry candle,
- beat the drum,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- begild,
- besmear,
- bougie,
- bowl,
- brush on paint,
- bucket,
- burial,
- bury,
- calcimine,
- candle,
- cannon,
- cant,
- careen,
- cavity,
- christen,
- climb,
- coat,
- color,
- complexion,
- concave,
- concavity,
- corpse candle,
- cover,
- crab,
- crater,
- crypt,
- cup,
- curtailment,
- cut,
- cutpurse,
- cutting,
- dab,
- daub,
- decant,
- decline,
- declivity,
- decrease,
- decrement,
- deep-dye,
- deluge,
- depletion,
- depreciation,
- depression,
- derogation,
- descend,
- descent,
- detraction,
- diminution,
- dipping,
- dish,
- dish out,
- dish up,
- disparagement,
- distemper,
- diver,
- double-dye,
- douse,
- dousing,
- downgate,
- downgrade,
- downhill,
- downslide,
- downswing,
- downtrend,
- downturn,
- draw,
- drop,
- drown,
- duck,
- ducking,
- dunk,
- dunking,
- dye,
- emblazon,
- enamel,
- engild,
- engulf,
- engulfment,
- exchange colors,
- extraction,
- face,
- fall,
- fall away,
- fall off,
- falling-off,
- falloff,
- farthing dip,
- fast-dye,
- feather,
- fingersmith,
- fishtail,
- fixing bath,
- flag,
- flag down,
- flash,
- float,
- flood,
- flow on,
- fold,
- follicle,
- fork,
- fresco,
- funnel chest,
- gild,
- give a signal,
- give the nod,
- glance,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- go down,
- go downhill,
- go uphill,
- grade,
- grain,
- hail,
- hail and speak,
- half-mast,
- hang,
- hanging,
- hock,
- hoist a banner,
- hole,
- hollow,
- hollow shell,
- hue,
- illuminate,
- imbue,
- immerge,
- immergence,
- immerse,
- immersion,
- impairment,
- impignorate,
- incline,
- ingrain,
- inundate,
- inundation,
- japan,
- keel,
- kick,
- lacquer,
- lacuna,
- lade,
- ladle,
- lay on color,
- lean,
- leer,
- lessening,
- light-fingered gentry,
- list,
- loop,
- make a sign,
- mercury bath,
- merge,
- mobsman,
- mortgage,
- nod,
- nose-dive,
- nudge,
- overwhelm,
- paint,
- parget,
- pickpocket,
- pigment,
- pit,
- pitch,
- pledge,
- plow,
- plunge,
- plunge in water,
- pocket,
- poke,
- pop,
- porpoise,
- pour,
- pour on,
- prime,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- punch bowl,
- push down,
- rain,
- raise a cry,
- rake,
- reduction,
- remission,
- retraction,
- retreat,
- retrenchment,
- rise,
- roll,
- rush candle,
- rushlight,
- sag,
- salute,
- scoop,
- set,
- shade,
- shadow,
- sheep dip,
- sheer,
- shell,
- shellac,
- shelve,
- shortening,
- shovel,
- shrinkage,
- sideslip,
- sidle,
- sign,
- signal,
- signalize,
- sink,
- sinkage,
- sinkhole,
- sinking,
- sinus,
- skew,
- skid,
- slant,
- slip,
- slop on paint,
- slope,
- slue,
- sluice,
- slump,
- smear,
- socket,
- sound an alarm,
- sound the trumpet,
- souse,
- sousing,
- spade,
- speak,
- spin,
- spiral,
- spoon,
- spout,
- sprinkle,
- stain,
- stipple,
- stoop,
- stunt,
- submerge,
- submergence,
- submerse,
- submersion,
- swag,
- swamp,
- sway,
- swell-mobsman,
- tallow candle,
- tallow dip,
- taper,
- tilt,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- tip,
- tone,
- touch,
- trough,
- truncation,
- tumble,
- undercoat,
- undulate,
- unfurl a flag,
- uprise,
- varnish,
- veer,
- votary candle,
- vug,
- wash,
- wave,
- wave a flag,
- wave the hand,
- wax candle,
- whelm,
- whitewash,
- wink,
- wire,
- yaw