showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on; "felt his mother's directing arm around him"; "the directional role of science on industrial progress"
shopping at a market; "does the weekly marketing at the supermarket"
the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service; "most companies have a manager in charge of marketing"
being the agent or cause; "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage"
worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable; "a responsible adult"; "responsible journalism"; "a responsible position"; "the captain is responsible for the ship's safety"; "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament"
(usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable
used of a height or viewpoint; "a commanding view of the ocean"; "looked up at the castle dominating the countryside"; "the balcony overlooking the ballroom"
a conveyance that transports the letters and packages that are conveyed by the postal system
the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office; "the mail handles billions of items every day"; "he works for the United States mail service"; "in England they call mail `the post'"
the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service
any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered; "your mail is on the table"; "is there any post for me?"; "she was opening her post"
cause to be directed or transmitted to another place; "send me your latest results"; "I'll mail you the paper when it's written"
send via the postal service; "I'll mail you the check tomorrow"