- anticipate,
- appreciate,
- apprehend,
- ascertain,
- be acquainted with,
- be apprised of,
- be aware of,
- be cognizant of,
- be conscious of,
- be conversant with,
- be informed,
- behold,
- catch sight of,
- clap eyes on,
- cognize,
- come alive,
- comprehend,
- conceive,
- conceptualize,
- descry,
- detect,
- difference,
- differentiate,
- discover,
- discriminate,
- distinguish,
- divine,
- espy,
- extricate,
- fathom,
- foresee,
- glimpse,
- grasp,
- have,
- have in sight,
- have information about,
- have knowledge of,
- identify,
- ken,
- know,
- lay eyes on,
- look on,
- look upon,
- make out,
- note,
- notice,
- observe,
- penetrate,
- perceive,
- pick out,
- pick up,
- pierce,
- plumb,
- possess,
- prehend,
- realize,
- recognize,
- remark,
- savvy,
- see,
- see daylight,
- see into,
- see the light,
- see through,
- seize,
- sense,
- separate,
- sever,
- sight,
- spot,
- spy,
- take in,
- twig,
- understand,
- view,
- witness,
- wot,
- wot of