Exact Match:
- entail
- the act of entailing property; the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple
- land received by fee tail
- impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result; "What does this move entail?"
- have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"
- add a codicil,
- affect,
- allegorize,
- allude to,
- argue,
- assume,
- be indicative of,
- be significant of,
- be symptomatic of,
- bequeath,
- bequeathal,
- bequest,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- birthright,
- borough-English,
- bring,
- bring to mind,
- call for,
- cause,
- characterize,
- coheirship,
- comprise,
- connote,
- contain,
- coparcenary,
- demand,
- denominate,
- denote,
- devise,
- differentiate,
- disclose,
- display,
- execute a will,
- express,
- gavelkind,
- give evidence,
- give rise to,
- give token,
- hand down,
- hand on,
- heirloom,
- heirship,
- hereditament,
- heritable,
- heritage,
- heritance,
- highlight,
- hint,
- identify,
- implicate,
- imply,
- import,
- impose,
- incorporeal hereditament,
- indicate,
- infer,
- inheritance,
- insinuate,
- intimate,
- involve,
- law of succession,
- lead to,
- leave,
- legacy,
- line of succession,
- make a bequest,
- make a will,
- manifest,
- mark,
- mean,
- mean to say,
- mode of succession,
- necessitate,
- note,
- occasion,
- pass on,
- patrimony,
- point indirectly to,
- postremogeniture,
- presume,
- presuppose,
- primogeniture,
- require,
- reveal,
- reversion,
- show,
- signify,
- stand for,
- subsume,
- succession,
- suggest,
- suppose,
- symptomatize,
- symptomize,
- take,
- take for granted,
- take in,
- testify,
- transmit,
- ultimogeniture,
- will,
- will and bequeath,
- will to