Exact Match:
- escapist
- a person who escapes into a world of fantasy
- Don Quixote,
- Quixote,
- alcoholic,
- alternating personality,
- antisocial personality,
- daydreamer,
- disordered personality,
- disturbed personality,
- double personality,
- dreamer,
- dreamer of dreams,
- drug user,
- dual personality,
- emotionally unstable personality,
- enthusiast,
- escape artist,
- escapee,
- escaper,
- fugitive,
- hostile personality,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriast,
- idealist,
- idiot,
- imaginary invalid,
- immature personality,
- inadequate personality,
- inferior personality,
- lotus-eater,
- malade imaginaire,
- maladjusted personality,
- mentally defective personality,
- moral insanity,
- multiple personality,
- neuropath,
- neurotic,
- neurotic personality,
- paranoid personality,
- perverse personality,
- prophet,
- psychoneurotic,
- psychopath,
- psychopathic personality,
- psychotic,
- psychotic personality,
- rhapsodist,
- romancer,
- romantic,
- romanticist,
- schizoid,
- schizoid personality,
- seclusive personality,
- seer,
- sexual psychopath,
- shut-in personality,
- sociopath,
- split personality,
- utopian,
- utopianist,
- utopianizer,
- valetudinarian,
- valetudinary,
- visionary,
- weak personality,
- wishful thinker