Exact Match:
- fence
- a barrier that serves to enclose an area
- a dealer in stolen property
- fight with fencing swords
- enclose with a fence; "we fenced in our yard"
- receive stolen goods
- abatis,
- about the bush,
- advanced work,
- arch dam,
- arm,
- armor,
- armor-plate,
- around the bush,
- avoid,
- backstop,
- baffle,
- balistraria,
- balustrade,
- bamboo curtain,
- bank,
- banquette,
- bar,
- barbed wire,
- barbed-wire entanglement,
- barbican,
- barrage,
- barricade,
- barrier,
- bartizan,
- bastion,
- battle,
- battlement,
- bear-trap dam,
- beat about,
- beat around,
- beaver dam,
- beg the question,
- bicker,
- black-market,
- black-marketeer,
- bless,
- block,
- blockade,
- boggle,
- boom,
- bootleg,
- bound,
- boundary,
- box,
- brawl,
- breakwater,
- breastwork,
- brick wall,
- broil,
- buffer,
- bulkhead,
- bulkhead in,
- bulwark,
- cage,
- casemate,
- castellate,
- cavil,
- center,
- champion,
- cheval-de-frise,
- choplogic,
- circumscribe,
- circumvallation,
- clash,
- cloak,
- close,
- cofferdam,
- collide,
- combat,
- come to blows,
- compass about,
- compromise,
- confine,
- contend,
- contest,
- contravallation,
- coop,
- copyright,
- corral,
- counterscarp,
- cover,
- crenellate,
- curtain,
- cushion,
- cut and thrust,
- dam,
- defend,
- defense,
- demibastion,
- dig in,
- dike,
- ditch,
- dodge,
- drawbridge,
- duck,
- duel,
- earthwork,
- embankment,
- embattle,
- encircle,
- enclose,
- enclosure,
- ensure,
- entanglement,
- entrench,
- equivocate,
- escarp,
- escarpment,
- evade,
- evade the issue,
- exchange blows,
- feint,
- fences,
- fend,
- fend off,
- feud,
- fieldwork,
- fight,
- fight a duel,
- foil,
- fortalice,
- fortification,
- fortify,
- garrison,
- gate,
- give and take,
- give satisfaction,
- glacis,
- golden mean,
- grapple,
- grapple with,
- gravity dam,
- groin,
- guarantee,
- guard,
- half measures,
- half-and-half measures,
- halfway measures,
- happy medium,
- harbor,
- haven,
- hedge,
- hedgerow,
- hem,
- hem and haw,
- hoarding,
- hydraulic-fill dam,
- immure,
- impartial,
- indecisive,
- independent,
- insure,
- iron curtain,
- irresolute,
- jam,
- jetty,
- jostle,
- joust,
- keep,
- keep from harm,
- leaping weir,
- levee,
- logjam,
- loophole,
- lunette,
- machicolation,
- make safe,
- man,
- man the garrison,
- maneuver,
- mantelet,
- mean,
- medium,
- merlon,
- mew,
- middle course,
- middle ground,
- middle way,
- milldam,
- mine,
- mix it up,
- moat,
- moderantism,
- moderate position,
- moderateness,
- moderation,
- moderatism,
- mole,
- moonshine,
- mound,
- mystify,
- nestle,
- neutral,
- neutral ground,
- nitpick,
- obscure,
- on the fence,
- outwit,
- outwork,
- pale,
- paling,
- palisade,
- palter,
- parados,
- parapet,
- parry,
- patent,
- pen,
- pick nits,
- picket,
- police,
- portcullis,
- postern gate,
- prevaricate,
- protect,
- pull away,
- pull back,
- push,
- pussyfoot,
- put off,
- qualify,
- quarrel,
- quibble,
- rail,
- railing,
- rampart,
- rassle,
- ravelin,
- receiver,
- recoil,
- redan,
- redoubt,
- register,
- restrict,
- retaining wall,
- ride shotgun for,
- riot,
- roadblock,
- rock-fill dam,
- run a tilt,
- safeguard,
- sally port,
- scarp,
- sconce,
- scramble,
- screen,
- scuffle,
- seawall,
- secure,
- separate,
- sheer off,
- shelter,
- shield,
- shift,
- shift off,
- shilly-shally,
- shirk,
- shove,
- shrink,
- shroud,
- shuffle,
- shutter dam,
- shy,
- shy away,
- shy off,
- sidestep,
- skirmish,
- spar,
- split hairs,
- step aside,
- stockade,
- stone wall,
- stonewall,
- stop,
- strive,
- struggle,
- surround,
- swagman,
- swagsman,
- swerve,
- tenaille,
- tergiversate,
- third force,
- thrust and parry,
- tilt,
- tourney,
- trellis,
- tussle,
- unbiased,
- uncertain,
- uncommitted,
- undecided,
- underwrite,
- unprejudiced,
- vacillate,
- vacillating,
- vallation,
- vallum,
- via media,
- waffle,
- wage war,
- wall,
- war,
- ward off,
- weir,
- wicket dam,
- work,
- wrestle,
- zigzag fence