Exact Match:
- find out
- trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act; "He was caught out"; "She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks"
- answer,
- ascertain,
- assure,
- be informed,
- become acquainted with,
- bottom,
- broaden the mind,
- catch on,
- certify,
- cinch,
- clear up,
- clinch,
- crack,
- cram the mind,
- debug,
- decide,
- decipher,
- decode,
- determine,
- discover,
- disentangle,
- dismiss all doubt,
- divine,
- do,
- dope,
- dope out,
- ensure,
- establish,
- explain,
- fathom,
- figure out,
- find,
- find out about,
- find the answer,
- find the solution,
- fix,
- gain knowledge,
- get,
- get at,
- get hold of,
- get right,
- guess,
- guess right,
- have it,
- hear,
- hit,
- hit it,
- hunt down,
- insure,
- interpret,
- invent,
- learn,
- learn about,
- load the mind,
- locate,
- make certain,
- make no doubt,
- make no mistake,
- make out,
- make sure,
- make sure of,
- nail down,
- open the lock,
- pick up information,
- plumb,
- psych,
- psych out,
- puzzle out,
- ravel,
- ravel out,
- reassure,
- rediscover,
- remove all doubt,
- resolve,
- riddle,
- run down,
- run to earth,
- see,
- see that,
- see to it,
- set at rest,
- settle,
- solve,
- sort out,
- strike,
- trace,
- trace down,
- track down,
- tumble,
- undo,
- unearth,
- unlock,
- unravel,
- unriddle,
- unscramble,
- untangle,
- untwist,
- unweave,
- work,
- work out