pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"
select as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast"
see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way; "She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam"
be owned by; be in the possession of; "This book belongs to me"
be classified with; "The whales belong among the mammals"
be suitable or acceptable; "This student somehow doesn't belong"
be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?"
so thin as to transmit light; "a hat with a diaphanous veil"; "filmy wings of a moth"; "gauzy clouds of dandelion down"; "gossamer cobwebs"; "sheer silk stockings"; "transparent chiffon"; "vaporous silks"
the manner in which something fits; "I admired the fit of her coat"
a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"
physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"
meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"
insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
make fit; "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"