Exact Match:
- fold
- the act of folding; "he gave the napkins a double fold"
- a pen for sheep
- a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
- a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
- an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow"
- incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
- become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy"
- bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar"
- intertwine; "fold one's hands, arms, or legs"
- KO,
- alveolation,
- alveolus,
- antrum,
- arena,
- armpit,
- assembly,
- average,
- bang,
- bar,
- barricade,
- basin,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be ruined,
- become insolvent,
- bend,
- bisect,
- bolt,
- bomb,
- bosom,
- bowl,
- break,
- brethren,
- bust,
- button,
- button up,
- call off,
- cancel,
- cave,
- cave in,
- cavity,
- choke,
- choke off,
- churchgoers,
- cincture,
- clap,
- clasp,
- class,
- clip,
- close,
- close down,
- close up,
- coat,
- coating,
- collapse,
- collop,
- complete,
- concave,
- concavity,
- confine,
- congregation,
- constrict,
- contain,
- container,
- contract,
- coop,
- corrugation,
- court,
- courtyard,
- cover,
- covering,
- crap out,
- crash,
- crater,
- crease,
- crimp,
- crinkle,
- crisp,
- crypt,
- cup,
- curtilage,
- cut,
- deal,
- deflate,
- delete,
- delimited field,
- depression,
- dip,
- disk,
- dispose of,
- dog-ear,
- double,
- double over,
- draw a blank,
- drop a bomb,
- drop the ball,
- drop the curtain,
- embosom,
- embrace,
- enclave,
- enclose,
- enclosure,
- end off,
- enfold,
- envelop,
- enwrap,
- expunge,
- extinguish,
- fail,
- fall in,
- fan,
- fasten,
- feuille,
- field,
- film,
- finalize,
- finish,
- flap,
- flock,
- flop,
- flounce,
- flummox,
- flute,
- foil,
- fold over,
- fold up,
- follicle,
- frill,
- funnel chest,
- furrow,
- gather,
- get it over,
- get left,
- get over with,
- get through with,
- give the quietus,
- give way,
- go bankrupt,
- go broke,
- go into receivership,
- go to pot,
- go to ruin,
- go under,
- go up,
- ground,
- hole,
- hollow,
- hollow shell,
- hug,
- implode,
- infold,
- interfold,
- kayo,
- key,
- kibosh,
- kill,
- knock out,
- lacuna,
- laity,
- lamella,
- lamina,
- laminated glass,
- laminated wood,
- lap,
- lap over,
- latch,
- lay an egg,
- laymen,
- leaf,
- list,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- lose out,
- membrane,
- middle,
- minyan,
- nonclerics,
- nonordained persons,
- not hack it,
- not make it,
- occlude,
- overlap,
- padlock,
- pale,
- paling,
- pane,
- panel,
- parish,
- parishioners,
- park,
- patina,
- peel,
- pellicle,
- pen,
- people,
- perfect,
- pit,
- plait,
- plank,
- plat,
- plate,
- plating,
- pleat,
- plica,
- plicate,
- plumb,
- ply,
- plywood,
- pocket,
- polish off,
- press,
- pucker,
- punch bowl,
- puncture,
- put paid to,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- quill,
- rasher,
- ridge,
- rimple,
- rivel,
- ruck,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- safety glass,
- scoop,
- scrag,
- scum,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- seculars,
- secure,
- sheep,
- sheet,
- shell,
- shoot down,
- shut,
- shut down,
- shut the door,
- shut up,
- sink,
- sinus,
- skin,
- slab,
- slam,
- slat,
- slice,
- snap,
- society,
- socket,
- square,
- squeeze,
- squeeze shut,
- strangle,
- strike out,
- table,
- tablet,
- take the count,
- theater,
- toft,
- trough,
- tuck,
- turn over,
- twill,
- veneer,
- vug,
- wafer,
- whiff,
- wipe out,
- wrap,
- wrinkle,
- yard,
- zap,
- zip up,
- zipper