Exact Match:
- fortification
- the addition of an ingredient for the purpose of enrichment (as the addition of alcohol to wine or the addition of vitamins to food)
- defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it
- the art or science of strengthening defenses
- abatis,
- advanced work,
- affirmation,
- attestation,
- authentication,
- backing,
- backing up,
- balistraria,
- bank,
- banquette,
- barbed-wire entanglement,
- barbican,
- barricade,
- barrier,
- bartizan,
- bastion,
- battlement,
- bearing out,
- bolstering,
- breastwork,
- bulwark,
- buttressing,
- case hardening,
- casemate,
- certification,
- cheval-de-frise,
- circumstantiation,
- circumvallation,
- confirmation,
- contravallation,
- corroboration,
- corroboratory evidence,
- counterscarp,
- curtain,
- demibastion,
- dike,
- documentation,
- drawbridge,
- earthwork,
- enclosure,
- enrichment,
- entanglement,
- escarp,
- escarpment,
- fence,
- fieldwork,
- fortalice,
- glacis,
- hardening,
- invigoration,
- loophole,
- lunette,
- machicolation,
- mantelet,
- merlon,
- mound,
- outwork,
- palisade,
- parados,
- parapet,
- portcullis,
- postern gate,
- proof,
- proving,
- proving out,
- rampart,
- ratification,
- ravelin,
- redan,
- redoubt,
- refreshment,
- reinforcement,
- reinvigoration,
- restoration,
- restrengthening,
- revivification,
- sally port,
- scarp,
- sconce,
- stockade,
- strengthening,
- substantiation,
- support,
- supporting evidence,
- tempering,
- tenaille,
- undergirding,
- validation,
- vallation,
- vallum,
- verification,
- vitaminization,
- work