Exact Match:
- gallery
- narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building; usually marked by a colonnade
- a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns)
- a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose; "shooting gallery"
- a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
- spectators at a golf or tennis match
- British Museum,
- Guggenheim Museum,
- Hermitage,
- Louvre,
- Metropolitan Museum,
- National Gallery,
- Prado,
- Rijksmuseum,
- Tate Gallery,
- Texas tower,
- Uffizi,
- abri,
- access,
- aisle,
- alley,
- ambulatory,
- amphitheater,
- aperture,
- approach trench,
- arcade,
- areaway,
- arena,
- art gallery,
- artery,
- assembly hall,
- atelier,
- audience,
- auditorium,
- auditory,
- avenue,
- balcony,
- band,
- beacon,
- bed,
- bedding,
- belt,
- belvedere,
- bleachers,
- box,
- box seat,
- breezeway,
- bridge,
- bunker,
- catafalque,
- channel,
- chapel,
- cloister,
- colonnade,
- communication,
- communication trench,
- concert hall,
- conduit,
- congregation,
- connection,
- conning tower,
- convention hall,
- corridor,
- couche,
- countermine,
- coupure,
- course,
- covered way,
- curatorship,
- dais,
- dance hall,
- deck,
- defile,
- display room,
- ditch,
- double sap,
- dress circle,
- dugout,
- emplacement,
- entrenchment,
- estrade,
- exhibition hall,
- exhibition room,
- exit,
- fauteuil,
- ferry,
- fire trench,
- floor,
- flying sap,
- ford,
- fortified tunnel,
- fosse,
- foxhole,
- gazebo,
- grandstand,
- groundling,
- hall,
- hallway,
- heliport,
- house,
- hustings,
- inlet,
- interchange,
- intersection,
- junction,
- lanai,
- landing,
- landing pad,
- landing stage,
- lane,
- launching pad,
- layer,
- lecture hall,
- ledge,
- level,
- lighthouse,
- loge,
- loggia,
- lookout,
- loophole,
- measures,
- meetinghouse,
- mine,
- moat,
- museology,
- museum,
- music hall,
- nigger heaven,
- observation post,
- observatory,
- opening,
- opera house,
- orchestra,
- orchestra circle,
- outlet,
- outlook,
- overlayer,
- overlook,
- overpass,
- overstory,
- paradise,
- parallel,
- parquet,
- parquet circle,
- parterre,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- patio,
- peanut gallery,
- peephole,
- pergola,
- peristyle,
- pharos,
- piazza,
- picture gallery,
- pinacotheca,
- pit,
- platform,
- podium,
- porch,
- portico,
- proscenium boxes,
- pulpit,
- railroad tunnel,
- ringside,
- ringside seat,
- rostrum,
- salon,
- sap,
- seam,
- shelf,
- showroom,
- sighthole,
- sleeping porch,
- slit trench,
- soapbox,
- solarium,
- spectator,
- stadium,
- stage,
- stall,
- standing room,
- step,
- step terrace,
- stoop,
- story,
- stratum,
- studio,
- stump,
- substratum,
- sun porch,
- superstratum,
- terrace,
- theater,
- theatre stall,
- thickness,
- tier,
- top gallery,
- topsoil,
- tower,
- traject,
- trajet,
- trench,
- tribunal,
- tribune,
- tunnel,
- underlayer,
- underpass,
- understory,
- understratum,
- veranda,
- watchtower,
- zone