Exact Match:
- general
- a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
- a general officer of the highest rank
- the head of a religious order or congregation
- prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent"
- not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge"
- applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader"
- of national scope; "a general election"
- affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms"
- somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise"
- command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
- ADC,
- Babbittish,
- CO,
- OD,
- Philistine,
- abstract,
- accepted,
- accustomed,
- across the board,
- aide,
- aide-de-camp,
- aleatoric,
- aleatory,
- all-inclusive,
- amorphous,
- approximate,
- ascendant,
- associated,
- assorted,
- at the head,
- bland,
- blanket,
- blended,
- blobby,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- boss,
- bourgeois,
- brigadier,
- brigadier general,
- broad,
- campy,
- captain,
- casual,
- catholic,
- chance,
- chancy,
- chaotic,
- chicken colonel,
- chief,
- chief of staff,
- civic,
- civil,
- collective,
- collectivistic,
- colonel,
- combined,
- commandant,
- commander,
- commander in chief,
- commanding,
- commanding officer,
- commissioned officer,
- common,
- commonplace,
- communal,
- communistic,
- community,
- commutual,
- company officer,
- composite,
- comprehensive,
- confused,
- conjoint,
- controlling,
- cooperative,
- cosmopolitan,
- customary,
- disordered,
- diversified,
- dominant,
- encyclopedic,
- everyday,
- exec,
- executive officer,
- extended,
- extensive,
- familiar,
- featureless,
- field marshal,
- field officer,
- first lieutenant,
- five-star general,
- foggy,
- four-star general,
- fuzzy,
- general officer,
- generalissimo,
- generalized,
- generic,
- global,
- governing,
- habitual,
- hazy,
- head,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- heterogeneous,
- high-camp,
- hit-or-miss,
- homely,
- homespun,
- humdrum,
- hybrid,
- ill-defined,
- imprecise,
- imprudent,
- in ascendancy,
- in charge,
- in chief,
- in common,
- in the ascendant,
- inaccurate,
- inchoate,
- inclusive,
- incoherent,
- indecisive,
- indefinable,
- indefinite,
- indeterminable,
- indeterminate,
- indiscreet,
- indiscriminate,
- indiscriminative,
- indistinct,
- inexact,
- insensitive,
- international,
- jemadar,
- joint,
- junior officer,
- kitschy,
- lax,
- leading,
- lieutenant,
- lieutenant colonel,
- lieutenant general,
- loose,
- low-camp,
- major,
- major general,
- marechal,
- marshal,
- master,
- miscellaneous,
- mixed,
- mongrel,
- mutual,
- national,
- natural,
- naturalistic,
- naturistic,
- nebulous,
- neutral,
- nonjudgmental,
- nonspecific,
- normal,
- obscure,
- officer,
- one-star general,
- orderless,
- orderly,
- orderly officer,
- ordinary,
- overall,
- panoramic,
- paramount,
- plebeian,
- pop,
- popular,
- predominant,
- predominate,
- prepollent,
- preponderant,
- preponderate,
- prepotent,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- promiscuous,
- public,
- random,
- realistic,
- reciprocal,
- regnant,
- regular,
- regulating,
- regulative,
- regulatory,
- reigning,
- risaldar,
- routine,
- ruling,
- run-of-the-mill,
- senior officer,
- shadowed forth,
- shadowy,
- shapeless,
- shared,
- shavetail,
- sirdar,
- social,
- socialistic,
- societal,
- sovereign,
- staff officer,
- state,
- stochastic,
- subahdar,
- subaltern,
- sublieutenant,
- supranational,
- supreme,
- sweeping,
- tactless,
- the Old Man,
- the brass,
- three-star general,
- top brass,
- two-star general,
- typical,
- uncharacterized,
- unclear,
- uncritical,
- uncriticizing,
- undefined,
- undemanding,
- undestined,
- undetermined,
- undifferentiated,
- undifferentiating,
- undiscreet,
- undiscriminating,
- undiscriminative,
- uneventful,
- unexacting,
- unexceptional,
- unfastidious,
- universal,
- unmeticulous,
- unparticular,
- unplain,
- unrestricted,
- unselective,
- unspecific,
- unspecified,
- unsubtle,
- untactful,
- usual,
- vague,
- veiled,
- vernacular,
- vulgar,
- wholesale,
- wide,
- widespread,
- worldwide