- Baba Yaga,
- Charybdis,
- Lilith,
- afreet,
- barghest,
- cacodemon,
- circle,
- circling,
- circuit,
- circuiteer,
- circuition,
- circuitousness,
- circuitry,
- circularity,
- circulate,
- circulation,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumambulate,
- circumambulation,
- circumflexion,
- circumlocution,
- circummigrate,
- circummigration,
- circumnavigate,
- circumnavigation,
- circumrotate,
- circumvent,
- circumvolute,
- circumvolution,
- cirrus,
- close the circle,
- coil,
- come full circle,
- compass,
- corkscrew,
- crank,
- curl,
- curlicue,
- cycle,
- daeva,
- demon,
- describe a circle,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviation,
- devil,
- deviousness,
- digression,
- dizzy round,
- dybbuk,
- eddy,
- encircle,
- encompass,
- evil genius,
- evil spirit,
- evolute,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- fiend,
- fiend from hell,
- flank,
- genie,
- genius,
- ghoul,
- girdle,
- girdle the globe,
- go about,
- go around,
- go round,
- go the round,
- gurge,
- gyrate,
- gyration,
- gyring,
- helix,
- hellion,
- incubus,
- indirection,
- involute,
- jinni,
- jinniyeh,
- kink,
- lamia,
- lap,
- maelstrom,
- make a circuit,
- meandering,
- orbit,
- orbiting,
- pirouette,
- pivot,
- purl,
- rakshasa,
- rat race,
- reel,
- revolve,
- ringlet,
- roll,
- rotate,
- rotation,
- round,
- roundaboutness,
- rounding,
- satan,
- screw,
- scroll,
- shedu,
- skirt,
- spin,
- spiral,
- spiraling,
- succubus,
- surge,
- surround,
- swing,
- swirl,
- swivel,
- tendril,
- the undead,
- turn,
- turn a pirouette,
- turn around,
- turn round,
- turning,
- twirl,
- twist,
- vampire,
- volute,
- volution,
- vortex,
- wamble,
- wheel,
- wheeling,
- whirl,
- whirligig,
- whirlpool,
- whirlwind,
- whorl,
- wind,
- yogini