Exact Match:
- handle
- the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"
- touch, lift, or hold with the hands; "Don't handle the merchandise"
- show and train; "The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott"
- accomplish,
- act toward,
- administer,
- aim,
- air,
- alibi,
- analyze,
- apology,
- appellation,
- appellative,
- apply,
- be in,
- be responsible for,
- bed,
- bed down,
- behave toward,
- bestow,
- bilge,
- binomen,
- binomial name,
- blain,
- bleb,
- blind,
- blister,
- blob,
- boss,
- bow,
- brandish,
- break,
- bridle,
- brush,
- bubble,
- bulb,
- bulge,
- bulla,
- bump,
- bunch,
- burl,
- button,
- buy and sell,
- byname,
- byword,
- cahot,
- call the signals,
- canvass,
- captain,
- care for,
- caress,
- carry,
- carry on,
- carry out,
- carry through,
- chart a course,
- chine,
- cloak,
- clump,
- cognomen,
- color,
- come in contact,
- command,
- comment upon,
- complete,
- cond,
- conduct,
- condyle,
- conn,
- consider,
- contend with,
- control,
- controvert,
- convex,
- cope with,
- cover,
- cover story,
- cover-up,
- coxswain,
- criticize,
- cryptonym,
- curry,
- currycomb,
- deal by,
- deal in,
- deal with,
- debate,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- denomination,
- descant,
- designation,
- device,
- direct,
- discharge,
- discourse,
- discourse about,
- discuss,
- dispatch,
- dispense,
- dispose of,
- dissert,
- dissertate,
- do by,
- do with,
- dominate,
- dowel,
- drench,
- drive,
- ear,
- employ,
- empty title,
- enact,
- engineer,
- epithet,
- eponym,
- euonym,
- examine,
- exchange views,
- excuse,
- execute,
- exercise,
- exert,
- exploit,
- facade,
- feed,
- feel,
- feel of,
- feint,
- finger,
- flange,
- flap,
- flick,
- flourish,
- fodder,
- fondle,
- front,
- gall,
- gentle,
- gloss,
- gnarl,
- go into,
- govern,
- grasp,
- grip,
- groom,
- guide,
- guise,
- haft,
- harness,
- have the conn,
- head,
- head up,
- helm,
- helve,
- hill,
- hilt,
- hitch,
- hold,
- honor,
- honorific,
- hump,
- hunch,
- hyponym,
- inquire into,
- investigate,
- job,
- jog,
- joggle,
- knob,
- knock around,
- knot,
- knur,
- knurl,
- label,
- lame excuse,
- lay,
- lead,
- lead on,
- level,
- lip,
- litter,
- locus standi,
- loop,
- lump,
- make,
- make go,
- make the rules,
- make use of,
- manage,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- market,
- mask,
- mastermind,
- merchandise,
- milk,
- mole,
- moniker,
- mountain,
- name,
- namesake,
- navigate,
- nevus,
- nomen,
- nomen nudum,
- nub,
- nubbin,
- nubble,
- officer,
- operate,
- order,
- ostensible motive,
- oversee,
- palm,
- palpate,
- papilloma,
- pass under review,
- pat,
- paw,
- peg,
- perform,
- perform on,
- pilot,
- play,
- ply,
- point,
- poke at,
- poor excuse,
- practice,
- prescribe,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- pretext,
- prod,
- proper name,
- proper noun,
- protestation,
- public motive,
- pull the strings,
- put-off,
- quarterback,
- rap,
- reason,
- reason about,
- reason the point,
- refuge,
- regulate,
- remark upon,
- respond to,
- retail,
- review,
- rib,
- ridge,
- ring,
- rub down,
- run,
- saddle,
- scientific name,
- screen,
- secret name,
- see to,
- sell,
- semblance,
- serve,
- shake,
- sham,
- shape a course,
- shoulder,
- show,
- sift,
- skipper,
- smoke screen,
- sobriquet,
- spine,
- stalking-horse,
- steer,
- steward,
- stratagem,
- stud,
- study,
- style,
- subterfuge,
- supervise,
- survey,
- swing,
- tab,
- tackle,
- tag,
- take,
- take care of,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- take up,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- tame,
- tap,
- tautonym,
- tend,
- test,
- thresh out,
- thumb,
- title,
- touch,
- touch upon,
- trade in,
- traffic in,
- train,
- transact,
- treat,
- treat of,
- trick,
- trinomen,
- trinomial name,
- try,
- tubercle,
- tubercule,
- twiddle,
- use,
- utilize,
- varnish,
- veil,
- ventilate,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- wale,
- wart,
- water,
- wave,
- welt,
- wholesale,
- wield,
- work,
- write up,
- yoke