a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number; "many temptations"; "the temptations are many"; "a good many"; "a great many"; "many directions"; "take as many apples as you like"; "too many clouds to see"; "never saw so many people"
the property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing; "the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall"; "the cheap wine had no body, no mellowness"; "he was well aware of the richness of his own appearance"
very generous; "distributed gifts with a lavish hand"; "the critics were lavish in their praise"; "a munificent gift"; "his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent"; "prodigal praise"; "unsparing generosity"; "his unstinted devotion"; "called for unstinting aid to Britain"
characterized by extravagance and profusion; "a lavish buffet"; "a lucullan feast"
expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns; "He was showered with praise"
that which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due"
a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership); "the society dropped him for non-payment of dues"
owed and payable immediately or on demand; "payment is due"
suitable to or expected in the circumstances; "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course"; "due esteem"; " exercising due care"