a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate; heat is transferred from the fluid through the honeycomb to the airstream that is created either by the motion of the vehicle or by a fan
heater consisting of a series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat rooms or buildings
the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time; "the dank climate of southern Wales"; "plants from a cold clime travel best in winter"
the prevailing psychological state; "the climate of opinion"; "the national mood had changed radically since the last election"
characterized by oppressive heat and humidity; "the summer was sultry and oppressive"; "the stifling atmosphere"; "the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm"
glowing or shining like fire; "from rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes"- Alexander Pope; "frightened by his ardent burning eyes"
characterized by strong enthusiasm; "ardent revolutionaries"; "warm support"
characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a burning enthusiasm"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"
the warmest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox; "they spent a lazy summer at the shore"