Exact Match:
- incarnation
- (Christianity) the Christian doctrine of the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ
- time passed in a particular bodily form; "he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation"
- Christophany,
- Satanophany,
- acting,
- angelophany,
- aping,
- apparition,
- appearance,
- appearing,
- arising,
- avatar,
- characterization,
- coming,
- coming into being,
- coming-forth,
- concretization,
- corporealization,
- disclosure,
- dissemination,
- dumb show,
- embodiment,
- emergence,
- enacting,
- enactment,
- epiphany,
- evidence,
- evincement,
- exposure,
- expression,
- forthcoming,
- imitation,
- impersonation,
- incorporation,
- indication,
- issuance,
- manifestation,
- masquerade,
- materialization,
- materializing,
- metempsychosis,
- mimesis,
- mimicking,
- mimicry,
- miming,
- occurrence,
- opening,
- pantomime,
- pantomiming,
- performance,
- performing,
- personation,
- personification,
- playing,
- pneumatophany,
- portrayal,
- posing,
- presentation,
- proof,
- publication,
- realization,
- reembodiment,
- reification,
- reincarnation,
- revelation,
- rise,
- rising,
- showing,
- showing forth,
- substantiation,
- theophany,
- transmigration,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- wild