Exact Match:
- intelligent
- having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; "is there intelligent life in the universe?"; "an intelligent question"
- endowed with the capacity to reason
- possessing sound knowledge; "well-informed readers"
- acute,
- adroit,
- alert,
- all-knowing,
- apperceptive,
- appercipient,
- apprehending,
- apprehensive,
- apt,
- astute,
- au fait,
- aware,
- brainy,
- bright,
- brilliant,
- canny,
- cerebral,
- clever,
- cognizant,
- comprehending,
- conceptive,
- conceptual,
- conscious,
- consequent,
- cunning,
- discerning,
- discursive,
- docile,
- educable,
- endopsychic,
- enlightened,
- erudite,
- facile,
- formable,
- gifted,
- ideational,
- impressionable,
- ingenious,
- insightful,
- instructable,
- intellectual,
- internal,
- keen,
- knowing,
- knowledgeable,
- logical,
- malleable,
- mental,
- mindful,
- moldable,
- motivated,
- noetic,
- noological,
- not so dumb,
- omniscient,
- perceptive,
- percipient,
- perspicacious,
- phrenic,
- plastic,
- pliable,
- prehensile,
- psychic,
- psychologic,
- quick,
- quick-witted,
- rational,
- ready,
- reasonable,
- reasoning,
- receptive,
- ripe for instruction,
- sagacious,
- sage,
- sane,
- savvy,
- schoolable,
- sensible,
- sharp,
- shrewd,
- smart,
- sophic,
- sound,
- spiritual,
- strong-minded,
- subjective,
- susceptible,
- teachable,
- thinking,
- thirsty for knowledge,
- trainable,
- understanding,
- willing,
- wise