Exact Match:
- involuntary
- not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy
- controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control; "involuntary muscles"; "gave an involuntary start"
- at odds,
- automatic,
- averse,
- binding,
- blind,
- casual,
- compulsive,
- compulsory,
- conditioned,
- cursory,
- dictated,
- differing,
- disagreeing,
- disinclined,
- disobedient,
- forced,
- fractious,
- gut,
- ill-advised,
- ill-considered,
- ill-devised,
- imperative,
- impulsive,
- inadvertent,
- indeliberate,
- indisposed,
- indocile,
- inevitable,
- inherent,
- innate,
- instinctive,
- instinctual,
- libidinal,
- mandatory,
- mechanical,
- mutinous,
- natural,
- necessary,
- obligatory,
- opposed,
- perfunctory,
- recalcitrant,
- reflex,
- reflexive,
- refractory,
- required,
- resistant,
- snap,
- spontaneous,
- subliminal,
- sulky,
- sullen,
- unadvised,
- uncalculated,
- unconscious,
- unconsenting,
- unconsidered,
- uncontrollable,
- uncontrolled,
- undeliberate,
- undeliberated,
- undesigned,
- unguarded,
- unguided,
- unintended,
- unintentional,
- unlearned,
- unmeant,
- unmeditated,
- unplanned,
- unpremeditated,
- unprompted,
- unpurposed,
- unstudied,
- unthinking,
- unthought-of,
- unwilled,
- unwilling,
- unwitting