within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he will understand eventually"; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality"
the momentary present; "Now is a good time to do it"; "it worked up to right now"
used to preface a command or reproof or request; "now hear this!"; "now pay attention"
at the present moment; "goods now on sale"; "the now-aging dictator"; "they are now abroad"; "he is busy at present writing a new novel"; "it could happen any time now"
in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard"; "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware"; "the ship is now listing to port"
in the immediate past; "told me just now"
(prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is..."
in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"
very recently; "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"
so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth; "a gigantic redwood"; "gigantic disappointment"; "a mammoth ship"; "a mammoth multinational corporation"
so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple"; "has a colossal nerve"; "a prodigious storm"; "a stupendous field of grass"; "stupendous demand"
not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature; "the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God"
large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage"
of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"
(chess) the capture by both players (usually on consecutive moves) of pieces of equal value; "the endgame began after the exchange of queens"
(chess) gaining (or losing) a rook in return for a knight or bishop; "black lost the exchange"
reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries; "he earns his living from the interchange of currency"
the act of giving something in return for something received; "deductible losses on sales or exchanges of property are allowable"
the act of changing one thing for another thing; "Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience"; "there was an exchange of prisoners"
a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members
a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one); "they had a bitter exchange"
chemical process in which one atom or ion or group changes places with another
give to, and receive from, one another; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
hand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent; "exchange prisoners"; "exchange employees between branches of the company"