Exact Match:
- manhood
- the status of being a man
- the state of being a man; manly qualities
- Dutch courage,
- adulthood,
- adultness,
- age of consent,
- boldness,
- braveness,
- bravery,
- chivalrousness,
- chivalry,
- conspicuous gallantry,
- courage,
- courageousness,
- determination,
- doughtiness,
- driving age,
- flower of age,
- force,
- fortitude,
- full age,
- full bloom,
- full growth,
- fullgrownness,
- gallantness,
- gallantry,
- gallantry under fire,
- gentlemanlikeness,
- gentlemanliness,
- greatheartedness,
- grit,
- grown-upness,
- guts,
- heroicalness,
- heroism,
- intestinal fortitude,
- intrepidity,
- intrepidness,
- knightliness,
- legal age,
- legalis homo,
- lionheartedness,
- machismo,
- majority,
- male sex,
- maleness,
- man,
- manfulness,
- mankind,
- manlihood,
- manlikeness,
- manliness,
- mannishness,
- martial spirit,
- masculineness,
- masculinity,
- mature age,
- maturity,
- men,
- menfolk,
- menfolks,
- military spirit,
- pluck,
- pot-valor,
- prime,
- prime of life,
- prowess,
- resolution,
- ripe age,
- riper years,
- soldierly quality,
- spirit,
- stalwartness,
- stoutheartedness,
- stoutness,
- sword side,
- toga virilis,
- valiance,
- valiancy,
- valor,
- valorousness,
- virility,
- virtue,
- womanhood,
- womanlihood,
- years of discretion