Exact Match:
- market value
- the price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace
- account,
- asking price,
- bearish prices,
- bid price,
- book value,
- bullish prices,
- call price,
- closing price,
- conversion factor,
- decline,
- face,
- face value,
- fixed price,
- flash price,
- flurry,
- flutter,
- high,
- issue par,
- issue price,
- low,
- market price,
- net worth,
- nominal value,
- offering price,
- opening price,
- par,
- par value,
- parity,
- pennyworth,
- price,
- put price,
- quotation,
- quoted price,
- rally,
- rate,
- settling price,
- stated value,
- swings,
- value,
- value received,
- worth