Exact Match:
- migrant
- traveler who moves from one region or country to another
- habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work; "appalled by the social conditions of migrant life"; "migratory workers"
- DP,
- avifauna,
- baby bird,
- bird,
- bird of Jove,
- bird of Juno,
- bird of Minerva,
- bird of night,
- bird of passage,
- bird of prey,
- birdie,
- birdlife,
- birdy,
- blue-collar worker,
- breadwinner,
- cage bird,
- casual,
- casual laborer,
- chick,
- common laborer,
- cygnet,
- day laborer,
- displaced person,
- diving bird,
- dove,
- drifter,
- drifting,
- eagle,
- eaglet,
- emigrant,
- emigre,
- employee,
- evacue,
- evacuee,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- factory worker,
- fish-eating bird,
- fledgling,
- flightless bird,
- floating,
- flunky,
- fowl,
- free lance,
- free-lancer,
- fruit-eating bird,
- full-time worker,
- fulmar,
- game bird,
- gypsy,
- hand,
- immigrant,
- in-migrant,
- industrial worker,
- insect-eating bird,
- itinerant,
- jobber,
- jobholder,
- laborer,
- laboring man,
- menial,
- migrator,
- migratory,
- migratory bird,
- migratory worker,
- mobile,
- moiler,
- mover,
- navvy,
- nestling,
- nomad,
- nomadic,
- office temporary,
- oscine bird,
- out-migrant,
- owl,
- passerine bird,
- peacock,
- peafowl,
- peahen,
- perching bird,
- peregrinator,
- peripatetic,
- pigeon,
- proletarian,
- ratite,
- roustabout,
- rover,
- salaried worker,
- sea bird,
- seed-eating bird,
- self-employed person,
- servant,
- shore bird,
- songbird,
- squab,
- stateless person,
- stiff,
- storm petrel,
- stormy petrel,
- swan,
- temporary,
- toiler,
- transient,
- transmigratory,
- traveler,
- traveller,
- trekker,
- vagrant,
- wading bird,
- wage earner,
- wage slave,
- wageworker,
- wanderer,
- warbler,
- water bird,
- waterfowl,
- wayfarer,
- wetback,
- wildfowl,
- worker,
- workgirl,
- workhand,
- working girl,
- workingman,
- workingwoman,
- workman