Exact Match:
- mimeograph
- a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo)
- print copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph; "She mimeographed the syllabus"
- Photostat,
- Xerox,
- albertype,
- book printing,
- bring out,
- chromotypography,
- chromotypy,
- chromoxylography,
- clone,
- collotype,
- color printing,
- copy,
- ditto,
- double,
- dupe,
- duplicate,
- electronography,
- electrostatic printing,
- engrave,
- facsimile,
- get out,
- graphic arts,
- gravure,
- halftone engraving,
- hectograph,
- history of printing,
- impress,
- imprint,
- issue,
- job printing,
- letterpress,
- letterpress photoengraving,
- line engraving,
- lithography,
- lithogravure,
- lithophotogravure,
- manifold,
- microcopy,
- microfilm,
- mimeo,
- multigraph,
- offset,
- offset lithography,
- onset,
- overprint,
- palaeotypography,
- photo-offset,
- photochemical process,
- photoengraving,
- photogelatin process,
- photographic reproduction,
- photography,
- photolithography,
- phototypography,
- phototypy,
- photozincography,
- planographic printing,
- planography,
- print,
- printing,
- printmaking,
- proof,
- prove,
- publication,
- publish,
- publishing,
- pull,
- pull a proof,
- put out,
- put to bed,
- put to press,
- quadruplicate,
- reduplicate,
- reissue,
- relief printing,
- replicate,
- reprint,
- reproduce,
- rotary photogravure,
- rotogravure,
- run,
- run off,
- sheetwork,
- stamp,
- stat,
- stencil,
- strike,
- three-color printing,
- trace,
- transcribe,
- triplicate,
- two-color printing,
- typography,
- typolithography,
- wood-block printing,
- xerography,
- xeroprinting,
- xylotypography,
- zincography