- acceptance,
- acquiescence,
- allegiance,
- apple-polishing,
- ass-kissing,
- assent,
- backscratching,
- bend,
- bending the knee,
- bob,
- bootlicking,
- bow,
- bowing and scraping,
- brown-nosing,
- complaisance,
- compliance,
- consent,
- cringing,
- crouch,
- curtsy,
- deference,
- dipping the colors,
- duck,
- fawnery,
- fawning,
- fealty,
- flunkyism,
- footlicking,
- genuflection,
- groveling,
- handshaking,
- homage,
- honor,
- inclination,
- ingratiation,
- insinuation,
- kneeling,
- kowtow,
- loyalty,
- making a leg,
- mealymouthedness,
- nod,
- nonopposal,
- nonopposition,
- nonresistance,
- obedience,
- obsequiousness,
- parasitism,
- passiveness,
- passivity,
- presenting arms,
- prostration,
- resignation,
- resignedness,
- respect,
- respectfulness,
- reverence,
- salaam,
- salutation,
- salute,
- scrape,
- servility,
- sponging,
- squat,
- standing at attention,
- stoop,
- subjection,
- submission,
- submissiveness,
- submittal,
- supination,
- supineness,
- sycophancy,
- timeserving,
- toadeating,
- toadying,
- toadyism,
- truckling,
- tufthunting,
- yielding