not influenced or affected; "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington; "unswayed by personal considerations"
implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
outward features; "he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion"
happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface; "the external auditory canal"; "external pressures"
purely outward or superficial; "external composure"; "an external concern for reputation"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help"
coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure groups"
despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go"
in whatever way or manner; "Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet"; "however he did it, it was very clever"
to whatever degree or extent; "The results, however general, are important"; "they have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition's concerns"
by contrast; on the other hand; "the first part was easy; the second, however, took hours"