Exact Match:
- paraphrase
- rewording for the purpose of clarification
- express the same message in different words
- amplification,
- bilingual text,
- burlesque,
- clavis,
- copy,
- crib,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- dummy,
- duplication,
- explain,
- explicate,
- facsimile,
- faithful translation,
- free translation,
- gloss,
- glossary,
- imitation,
- interlinear,
- interlinear translation,
- key,
- knockoff,
- loose translation,
- metaphrase,
- mock-up,
- model,
- paraphrasis,
- parody,
- pony,
- rehash,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- rephrase,
- rephrasing,
- replica,
- representation,
- reproduction,
- restate,
- restatement,
- reword,
- rewording,
- rewrite,
- rewriting,
- summarize,
- transcribe,
- transcription,
- translation,
- transliteration,
- travesty,
- trot,
- version