Exact Match:
- partisan
- a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries
- a fervent and even militant proponent of something
- devoted to a cause or party
- Charley,
- Conservative,
- Democrat,
- Labourite,
- Maecenas,
- Republican,
- Tory,
- VC,
- Vietcong,
- Whig,
- abettor,
- acquaintance,
- adherent,
- admirer,
- advocate,
- aficionado,
- aggressive,
- alter ego,
- angel,
- antiblack,
- apologist,
- appendage,
- attendant,
- backer,
- bellicose,
- belligerent,
- best friend,
- biased,
- bickering,
- bigoted,
- bipartisan,
- biparty,
- blind,
- booster,
- bosom friend,
- brother,
- buff,
- bushfighter,
- bushwhacker,
- casual,
- casual acquaintance,
- cavaliere servente,
- champion,
- chauvinistic,
- close acquaintance,
- close friend,
- cohort,
- colored,
- combative,
- confidant,
- confidante,
- courtier,
- dangler,
- defender,
- denominational,
- dependence,
- dependent,
- devoted,
- devotee,
- die-hard,
- disciple,
- disputatious,
- divisive,
- doctrinaire,
- dogmatic,
- encourager,
- endorser,
- enthusiast,
- eristic,
- exponent,
- factional,
- factious,
- familiar,
- fan,
- fanatic,
- favorer,
- fellow,
- fellow creature,
- fellowman,
- flunky,
- follower,
- following,
- freedom,
- friend,
- friend at court,
- guerilla,
- guerrilla,
- hanger-on,
- heeler,
- henchman,
- homme de cour,
- influenced,
- inseparable friend,
- interested,
- intimate,
- involved,
- irascible,
- irregular,
- irritable,
- jaundiced,
- know-nothing,
- limited,
- litigious,
- lover,
- loyalist,
- mainstay,
- maintainer,
- maquis,
- maquisard,
- myopic,
- narrow,
- narrow-minded,
- neighbor,
- nonobjective,
- one-sided,
- opinionated,
- other self,
- paranymph,
- parasite,
- parochial,
- partial,
- party,
- party faithful,
- party hack,
- party man,
- party member,
- party wheelhorse,
- patriot,
- patron,
- pickup,
- polarizing,
- polemic,
- prejudiced,
- prepossessed,
- promoter,
- protagonist,
- public,
- pugnacious,
- pursuer,
- pursuivant,
- quarrelsome,
- racist,
- registered Democrat,
- registered Republican,
- regular,
- reliance,
- repository,
- resistance,
- resistance fighter,
- rooter,
- satellite,
- second,
- seconder,
- sectarian,
- sectary,
- sectional,
- sexist,
- shadow,
- short-sighted,
- shrewish,
- sider,
- sponsor,
- stalwart,
- standby,
- stooge,
- successor,
- superpatriotic,
- support,
- supporter,
- sustainer,
- swayed,
- sympathizer,
- tagtail,
- tail,
- tendentious,
- trainbearer,
- twisted,
- ultranationalist,
- underground,
- underground fighter,
- undetached,
- undispassionate,
- unneutral,
- unreasoning,
- upholder,
- votary,
- ward heeler,
- warped,
- well-wisher,
- wheelhorse,
- wrangling,
- xenophobic,
- zealot