actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency
the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined; "a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants"; "his unsuccessful mollification of the mob"
ask (someone) to marry you; "he popped the question on Sunday night"; "she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months"; "The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman"
promoting peace; "the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up"
disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature; "the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force"; "a quiet and peaceable person"; "in a peaceable and orderly manner"
relating to or bordering the Pacific Ocean; "Pacific islands"
a grant made by a law court; "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court"
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery"
give, especially as an honor or reward; "bestow honors and prizes at graduation"
give as judged due or on the basis of merit; "the referee awarded a free kick to the team"; "the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff";"Funds are granted to qualified researchers"