Exact Match:
- pigeon
- wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs
- Cornish hen,
- avifauna,
- babe,
- baby bird,
- bamboozle,
- beat,
- beguile,
- beguile of,
- betray,
- bilk,
- bird,
- bird of Jove,
- bird of Juno,
- bird of Minerva,
- bird of night,
- bird of passage,
- bird of prey,
- birdie,
- birdlife,
- birdy,
- bluff,
- boob,
- broiler,
- bunco,
- burn,
- cage bird,
- caille,
- cajole,
- canard,
- caneton,
- capon,
- chapon,
- cheat,
- cheat on,
- chick,
- chicken,
- chisel,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- chump,
- cinch,
- circumvent,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- con,
- conjure,
- cozen,
- credulous person,
- crib,
- cull,
- cygnet,
- deceive,
- defraud,
- delude,
- diddle,
- dindon,
- diving bird,
- do in,
- do out of,
- double-cross,
- dove,
- duck,
- duckling,
- dupe,
- eagle,
- eaglet,
- easy mark,
- easy pickings,
- euchre,
- faisan,
- fall guy,
- finagle,
- fish,
- fish-eating bird,
- flam,
- fledgling,
- fleece,
- flightless bird,
- flimflam,
- fob,
- fool,
- forestall,
- fowl,
- fruit-eating bird,
- fryer,
- fudge,
- fulmar,
- game bird,
- gammon,
- get around,
- gobe-mouches,
- goose,
- gouge,
- greener,
- greenhorn,
- greeny,
- grouse,
- gudgeon,
- guff,
- guinea hen,
- gull,
- gyp,
- have,
- hoax,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hornswaggle,
- humbug,
- innocent,
- insect-eating bird,
- juggle,
- leadpipe cinch,
- let down,
- mark,
- migrant,
- migratory bird,
- mock,
- monkey,
- mulct,
- nestling,
- oie,
- oscine bird,
- outmaneuver,
- outreach,
- outsmart,
- outwit,
- overreach,
- owl,
- pack the deal,
- partridge,
- passerine bird,
- patsy,
- peacock,
- peafowl,
- peahen,
- perching bird,
- pheasant,
- pigeonneau,
- play one false,
- plaything,
- poulet,
- practice fraud upon,
- prize sap,
- pushover,
- put something over,
- quail,
- ratite,
- roaster,
- rook,
- sap,
- saphead,
- scam,
- schlemiel,
- screw,
- sea bird,
- seed-eating bird,
- sell gold bricks,
- shave,
- shore bird,
- shortchange,
- sitting duck,
- snow,
- songbird,
- squab,
- stack the cards,
- stewing chicken,
- stick,
- sting,
- stooge,
- storm petrel,
- stormy petrel,
- string along,
- sucker,
- swan,
- swindle,
- take a dive,
- take in,
- thimblerig,
- throw a fight,
- toy,
- trick,
- trusting soul,
- turkey,
- two-time,
- victim,
- victimize,
- volaille,
- wading bird,
- warbler,
- water bird,
- waterfowl,
- wild duck,
- wildfowl