Exact Match:
- pyrrhic
- an ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare
- a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables
- of or relating to or resembling Pyrrhus or his exploits (especially his sustaining staggering losses in order to defeat the Romans); "a Pyrrhic victory"
- of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables; "pyrrhic verses"
- of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece; "pyrrhic dance movements"
- Alexandrine,
- accent,
- accentuation,
- amphibrach,
- amphimacer,
- anacrusis,
- anapest,
- antispast,
- antispastic,
- arsis,
- bacchius,
- beat,
- cadence,
- cadenced,
- caesura,
- catalexis,
- chloriamb,
- chloriambus,
- colon,
- counterpoint,
- cretic,
- dactyl,
- dactylic,
- dactylic hexameter,
- diaeresis,
- dimeter,
- dipody,
- dochmiac,
- elegiac,
- elegiac couplet,
- elegiac pentameter,
- emphasis,
- epitrite,
- feminine caesura,
- foot,
- heptameter,
- heptapody,
- heroic couplet,
- hexameter,
- hexapody,
- iamb,
- iambic,
- iambic pentameter,
- ictus,
- ionic,
- jingle,
- lilt,
- masculine caesura,
- measure,
- measured,
- meter,
- metric,
- metrical accent,
- metrical foot,
- metrical group,
- metrical unit,
- metron,
- molossus,
- mora,
- movement,
- numbers,
- paeon,
- pentameter,
- pentapody,
- period,
- proceleusmatic,
- prosodic,
- quantity,
- rhythm,
- rhythmic,
- scanning,
- spondaic,
- spondee,
- sprung rhythm,
- stress,
- swing,
- syzygy,
- tetrameter,
- tetrapody,
- tetraseme,
- thesis,
- tribrach,
- trimeter,
- tripody,
- triseme,
- trochaic,
- trochee