Exact Match:
- reception
- the act of receiving
- (American football) the act of catching a pass in football; "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line"
- quality or fidelity of a received broadcast
- the manner in which something is greeted; "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"
- a formal party of people; as after a wedding
- acceptance,
- acceptation,
- acception,
- access,
- accueil,
- acquiescence,
- acquisition,
- admissibility,
- admission,
- admittance,
- affair,
- assemblee,
- assembly,
- assignation,
- assimilation,
- assumption,
- assurance,
- assuredness,
- at home,
- atmospherics,
- ball,
- belief,
- blaring,
- blasting,
- blind spot,
- brawl,
- caucus,
- certainty,
- claiming,
- colloquium,
- commission,
- committee,
- completeness,
- comprehension,
- comprehensiveness,
- comprisal,
- conclave,
- concourse,
- confidence,
- congregation,
- congress,
- conventicle,
- convention,
- convocation,
- council,
- coverage,
- crawling,
- credence,
- credit,
- credulity,
- creeping,
- dance,
- date,
- dependence,
- derivation,
- diet,
- do,
- drift,
- eisteddfod,
- eligibility,
- embodiment,
- embrace,
- embracement,
- encompassment,
- entrance,
- entree,
- entry,
- envisagement,
- exhaustiveness,
- fade-out,
- fading,
- faith,
- festivity,
- fete,
- forgathering,
- forum,
- function,
- gathering,
- get-together,
- getting,
- greeting,
- hearty welcome,
- hope,
- housewarming,
- hug,
- import,
- importation,
- importing,
- inclusion,
- inclusiveness,
- income,
- incoming,
- incorporation,
- infiltration,
- ingoing,
- ingress,
- ingression,
- input,
- insertion,
- insinuation,
- intake,
- interference,
- interpenetration,
- introduction,
- introgression,
- intrusion,
- leakage,
- levee,
- matinee,
- meet,
- meeting,
- membership,
- noise,
- open arms,
- opening,
- openness,
- panel,
- participation,
- party,
- penetration,
- percolation,
- plenum,
- possession,
- preview,
- prom,
- quorum,
- rally,
- reaction,
- receipt,
- receival,
- receiving,
- reliance,
- reliance on,
- rendezvous,
- response,
- reunion,
- salon,
- seance,
- seepage,
- session,
- shindig,
- sit-in,
- sitting,
- smiling reception,
- sociable,
- social,
- social affair,
- social gathering,
- soiree,
- static,
- stock,
- store,
- sureness,
- surety,
- suspension of disbelief,
- symposium,
- synod,
- taking,
- taking away,
- taking possession,
- the glad hand,
- theft,
- tolerance,
- toleration,
- treatment,
- trust,
- turnout,
- vernissage,
- wake,
- welcome,
- welcome mat,
- welcoming,
- whole