Exact Match:
- recognized
- provided with a secure reputation; "a recognized authority"
- accepted,
- acknowledged,
- admitted,
- affirmed,
- allowed,
- appreciated,
- apprehended,
- approved,
- ascertained,
- authenticated,
- avowed,
- being done,
- certified,
- comme il faut,
- comprehended,
- conceded,
- conceived,
- confessed,
- confirmed,
- conformable,
- conventional,
- correct,
- countersigned,
- customary,
- de rigueur,
- decent,
- decorous,
- discerned,
- down pat,
- endorsed,
- established,
- fixed,
- folk,
- formal,
- granted,
- grasped,
- hallowed,
- handed down,
- heroic,
- hoary,
- immemorial,
- inveterate,
- known,
- legendary,
- long-established,
- long-standing,
- meet,
- mythological,
- notarized,
- of long standing,
- of the folk,
- oral,
- orthodox,
- pat,
- perceived,
- prehended,
- prescriptive,
- professed,
- proper,
- ratified,
- realized,
- received,
- right,
- rooted,
- sealed,
- seemly,
- seized,
- signed,
- stamped,
- sworn and affirmed,
- sworn to,
- time-honored,
- traditional,
- tried and true,
- true-blue,
- understood,
- underwritten,
- unwritten,
- validated,
- venerable,
- warranted,
- worshipful