Exact Match:
- reconcile
- come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
- accept,
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accord,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- agree with,
- arrange matters,
- assimilate,
- assimilate to,
- attune,
- be guided by,
- bend,
- bring to terms,
- bring together,
- bury the hatchet,
- chime in with,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- compromise,
- condone,
- conform,
- coordinate,
- correct,
- correspond,
- countenance,
- cut to,
- discipline,
- equalize,
- fall in with,
- fit,
- fix,
- fix up,
- follow,
- gear to,
- go by,
- grin and abide,
- harmonize,
- heal the breach,
- homologate,
- homologize,
- integrate,
- key to,
- let go by,
- let pass,
- make conform,
- make peace,
- make plumb,
- make uniform,
- measure,
- mediate,
- meet,
- mold,
- obey,
- observe,
- overlook,
- patch things up,
- placate,
- proportion,
- put in tune,
- quadrate,
- rectify,
- regulate,
- resign,
- resolve,
- restore harmony,
- reunite,
- right,
- rise above,
- rub off corners,
- set,
- set right,
- settle,
- settle differences,
- shape,
- shrug,
- shrug it off,
- similarize,
- smooth it over,
- square,
- straighten,
- submit,
- submit to,
- suit,
- sync,
- synchronize,
- tailor,
- tally with,
- trim to,
- true,
- true up,
- tune,
- unite,
- weave peace between,
- yield,
- yield to