Exact Match:
- recount
- an additional (usually a second) count; especially of the votes in a close election
- count again; "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made"
- account,
- accounts,
- add up,
- allegorize,
- battologize,
- body count,
- capitulation,
- cast up,
- census,
- cipher up,
- communicate,
- count,
- count up,
- describe,
- detail,
- election returns,
- enumerate,
- fable,
- fabulize,
- fictionalize,
- figure up,
- fill,
- foot up,
- give an encore,
- go over,
- go through,
- head count,
- impart,
- inventory,
- itemize,
- iterate,
- landslide,
- mythicize,
- mythify,
- mythologize,
- narrate,
- nose count,
- novelize,
- official count,
- pad,
- particularize,
- poll,
- practice,
- reaffirm,
- reassert,
- recap,
- recapitulate,
- recapitulation,
- recite,
- reckon up,
- reckoning,
- recounting,
- rehash,
- rehearsal,
- rehearse,
- reissue,
- reiterate,
- relate,
- repertory,
- report,
- reprint,
- restate,
- resume,
- retail,
- retell,
- returns,
- review,
- reword,
- romance,
- run over,
- say over,
- say over again,
- score up,
- specify,
- state,
- statement,
- storify,
- sum,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- summary,
- summate,
- summation,
- summing,
- summing up,
- tally up,
- tautologize,
- tell,
- tell a story,
- tidal wave,
- tot up,
- total,
- total up,
- tote up,
- unfold,
- unfold a tale