acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction; "of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced"
actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency
the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined; "a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants"; "his unsuccessful mollification of the mob"
accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods"
accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed"
express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for; "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us"
report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"
(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known
a message (spoken or written) that is introduced or inserted; "with the help of his friend's interpolations his story was eventually told"; "with many insertions in the margins"
the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers; "the summation of four and three gives seven"; "four plus three equals seven"
a concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court)
(physiology) the process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce
a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat"
tight or narrow compression
a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel
(law) the partial taking away of the effectiveness of a law; a partial repeal or abolition of a law; "any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed"
the act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole); "he complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks"
an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated; "the subtraction of three from four leaves one"; "four minus three equals one"