- admonish,
- admonishment,
- admonition,
- aspersion,
- attack,
- attaint,
- badge of infamy,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- bawl out,
- bend sinister,
- berate,
- bespatter,
- black eye,
- black mark,
- blacken,
- blot,
- blow upon,
- blur,
- brand,
- bring to book,
- broad arrow,
- call down,
- call to account,
- carpet,
- castigate,
- castigation,
- censure,
- champain,
- chastise,
- chastisement,
- chew out,
- chide,
- chiding,
- correct,
- correction,
- criticism,
- criticize,
- defame,
- defile,
- disapproval,
- disapprove,
- disparage,
- disparagement,
- dress down,
- dressing-down,
- expose,
- expose to infamy,
- gibbet,
- give a dressing-down,
- hang in effigy,
- have words with,
- imputation,
- lecture,
- lesson,
- mark of Cain,
- objurgate,
- objurgation,
- onus,
- pillory,
- pillorying,
- point champain,
- rap,
- rate,
- rating,
- rebuke,
- reflection,
- remonstrance,
- remonstration,
- reprehend,
- reprehension,
- reproach,
- reprobation,
- reproof,
- reproval,
- reprove,
- scold,
- scolding,
- sermon,
- set down,
- set straight,
- skin alive,
- slate,
- slur,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smudge,
- smutch,
- soil,
- spank,
- spanking,
- spot,
- stain,
- stigma,
- stigmatism,
- stigmatization,
- stigmatize,
- straighten out,
- sully,
- taint,
- take down,
- take to task,
- talking-to,
- tarnish,
- tell off,
- tick off,
- tongue-lashing,
- upbraid,
- upbraiding,
- vilify,
- wig