bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade protruding; in ancient Rome it was a symbol of a magistrate's power; in modern Italy it is a symbol of fascism
performance given by a traveling company of acrobats clowns and trained animals; "the children always love to go to the circus"
a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment; "it was so funny it was a circus"; "the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere"
a genus of haws comprising the harriers
an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus"
(antiquity) an open-air stadium for chariot races and gladiatorial games
a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals; "he ran away from home to join the circus"
a ceremonial staff carried as a symbol of office or authority
spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed
(trademark) a liquid that temporarily disables a person; prepared as an aerosol and sprayed in the face, it irritates the eyes and causes dizziness and immobilization
the act of traveling by foot; "walking is a healthy form of exercise"
the act of walking somewhere; "he took a walk after lunch"
a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground
a path set aside for walking; "after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk"
manner of walking; "he had a funny walk"
obtain a base on balls
give a base on balls to
take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure; "The lovers held hands while walking"; "We like to walk every Sunday"
use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"
make walk; "He walks the horse up the mountain"; "Walk the dog twice a day"
accompany or escort; "I'll walk you to your car"
traverse or cover by walking; "Walk the tightrope"; "Paul walked the streets of Damascus"; "She walks 3 miles every day"
walk at a pace; "The horses walked across the meadow"
be or act in association with; "We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"; "Walk with God"
live or behave in a specified manner; "walk in sadness"