the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
armament consisting of a long cylindrical self-propelled underwater projectile that detonates on contact with a target
a small explosive device that is placed on a railroad track and fires when a train runs over it; the sound of the explosion warns the engineer of danger ahead
a small firework that consists of a percussion cap and some gravel wrapped in paper; explodes when thrown forcefully against a hard surface
an explosive device that is set off in an oil well (or a gas well) to start or to increase the flow of oil (or gas)