showing a sense of guilt; "a guilty look"; "the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy"- Eric Linklater
responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; or marked by guilt; "guilty of murder"; "the guilty person"; "secret guilty deeds"; "a guilty conscience"; "guilty behavior"
with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display; "they took their defeat badly"; "took her father's death badly"; "conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake"
in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage; "the venture turned out badly for the investors"; "angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them"
without skill or in a displeasing manner; "she writes badly"; "I think he paints very badly"
to a severe or serious degree; "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated"; "badly injured"; "a severely impaired heart"; "is gravely ill"; "was seriously ill"
very much; strongly; "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it"; "the cables had sagged badly"; "they were badly in need of help"; "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"
with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly'); "the injury hurt badly"; "the buildings were badly shaken"; "it hurts bad"; "we need water bad"
in a disobedient or naughty way; "he behaved badly in school"; "he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister"; "behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room"
evilly or wickedly; "treated his parents badly"; "to steal is to act badly"
a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad
a preparation used in polishing
of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage"
bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"
make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim; "Originally distress was a landlord's remedy against a tenant for unpaid rents or property damage but now the landlord is given a landlord's lien"
psychological suffering; "the death of his wife caused him great distress"
extreme physical pain; "the patient appeared to be in distress"
a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); "a ship in distress"; "she was the classic maiden in distress"
cause mental pain to; "The news of her child's illness distressed the mother"