Exact Match:
- rubric
- category name; "it is usually discussed under the rubric of `functional obesity'"
- a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type
- an authoritative rule of conduct or procedure
- directions for the conduct of Christian church services (often printed in red in a prayer book)
- adorn with ruby red color
- Sefer Torah,
- Torah,
- Torah scroll,
- Virginal,
- abbreviation,
- abbreviature,
- abrege,
- abridgment,
- abstract,
- act,
- appellation,
- appellative,
- banner,
- banner head,
- basis,
- bill,
- blood,
- bracket,
- branch,
- breviary,
- brief,
- burden,
- bylaw,
- canon,
- capsule,
- caption,
- case,
- caste,
- category,
- chapter,
- church book,
- clan,
- class,
- code,
- cognomen,
- commandment,
- compend,
- concern,
- condensation,
- condensed version,
- conspectus,
- convention,
- decree,
- denomination,
- designation,
- dictate,
- dictation,
- dictum,
- digest,
- division,
- draft,
- drop head,
- dropline,
- edict,
- enactment,
- epigraph,
- epitome,
- essence,
- estate,
- euchologion,
- euchology,
- farse,
- focus of attention,
- focus of interest,
- form,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- general principle,
- gist,
- golden rule,
- grade,
- group,
- grouping,
- guideline,
- guiding principle,
- hanger,
- head,
- heading,
- headline,
- imperative,
- incarnadine,
- institution,
- issue,
- jump head,
- jus,
- kin,
- label,
- law,
- lectionary,
- legend,
- legislation,
- level,
- lex,
- litany,
- living issue,
- machzor,
- main point,
- manual,
- matter,
- matter in hand,
- maxim,
- measure,
- meat,
- memorable,
- missal,
- mitzvah,
- moral,
- motif,
- motive,
- motto,
- nomen,
- norm,
- notable,
- observable,
- order,
- ordinal,
- ordinance,
- ordonnance,
- outline,
- overline,
- overview,
- pandect,
- pigeonhole,
- point,
- point at issue,
- point in question,
- pontifical,
- position,
- prayer book,
- precis,
- predicament,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- principium,
- principle,
- problem,
- question,
- race,
- rank,
- rating,
- red-letter,
- regulation,
- review,
- ritual,
- rituale,
- rubify,
- ruby,
- ruddle,
- ruddy,
- rule,
- ruling,
- running head,
- running title,
- scarehead,
- screamer,
- section,
- sept,
- service book,
- set,
- settled principle,
- shortened version,
- siddur,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- spread,
- spreadhead,
- standard,
- standing order,
- station,
- status,
- statute,
- strain,
- stratum,
- streamer,
- style,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subhead,
- subheading,
- subject,
- subject matter,
- subject of thought,
- suborder,
- substance,
- subtitle,
- superscription,
- survey,
- syllabus,
- synopsis,
- tenet,
- text,
- theme,
- thumbnail sketch,
- title,
- title page,
- topic,
- topical outline,
- working principle,
- working rule