Exact Match:
- sell
- the activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell"
- persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"
- give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"
- exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
- be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"
- be responsible for the sale of; "All her publicity sold the products"
- be approved of or gain acceptance; "The new idea sold well in certain circles"
- abalienate,
- advertise,
- alien,
- alienate,
- amortize,
- argue into,
- assign,
- assure,
- ballyhoo,
- bark,
- barter,
- be convincing,
- be in,
- be sold,
- bequeath,
- betray,
- bill,
- boost,
- brim,
- bring,
- bring home to,
- bring in,
- bring over,
- bring round,
- bring to reason,
- brink,
- build up,
- bulletin,
- bunker,
- captivate,
- carry,
- carry conviction,
- cater,
- cede,
- charm,
- cheat,
- circularize,
- clear the trade,
- close out,
- coal,
- command,
- con,
- confer,
- consign,
- convert,
- convert into cash,
- convey,
- convict,
- convince,
- convinced,
- cross,
- cry up,
- cut under,
- deal in,
- deceit,
- deception,
- deed,
- deed over,
- deliver,
- demise,
- devolve upon,
- dispose of,
- double-cross,
- draw,
- draw over,
- drive home to,
- dump,
- edge,
- effect a sale,
- enfeoff,
- establish,
- exchange,
- fake,
- feed,
- fetch,
- fill up,
- flimflam,
- flog,
- forage,
- fringe,
- fuel,
- furnish,
- gain,
- gain over,
- gas,
- gas up,
- give,
- give a write-up,
- give away,
- give publicity,
- give title to,
- gross,
- hand,
- hand down,
- hand on,
- hand over,
- handle,
- hawk,
- hem,
- hoax,
- hook,
- hook in,
- inform against,
- inspire belief,
- job,
- lead to believe,
- liquidate,
- make a sale,
- make over,
- market,
- merchandise,
- move,
- negotiate,
- net,
- offer,
- oil,
- outtalk,
- pass,
- pass on,
- pass over,
- peddle,
- perimeter,
- periphery,
- persuade,
- persuaded,
- placard,
- plug,
- post,
- post bills,
- post up,
- press-agent,
- prevail on,
- prevail upon,
- prevail with,
- promote,
- provender,
- provision,
- publicize,
- puff,
- purvey,
- push,
- put across,
- put over,
- put-on,
- realize,
- resell,
- retail,
- return,
- sacrifice,
- satisfy,
- sell for,
- sell off,
- sell on consignment,
- sell one on,
- sell out,
- sell over,
- sell retail,
- sell short,
- sell up,
- sell wholesale,
- selvage,
- settle,
- settle on,
- sham,
- shop,
- sign away,
- sign over,
- skirt,
- spiel,
- spoof,
- stock,
- supply,
- surrender,
- sway,
- talk into,
- talk over,
- tattle on,
- tell on,
- terminate the account,
- top off,
- trade,
- trade in,
- traffic,
- traffic in,
- transfer,
- transmit,
- turn into money,
- turn over,
- undercut,
- undersell,
- unload,
- vend,
- verge,
- victual,
- wangle,
- wangle into,
- wear down,
- wholesale,
- win,
- win over,
- write up,
- yield